1 Corinthians 4:1-7Gospel Transformation

What is the mark of someone who has been radically changed by Jesus? How would you see that or recognize it? “I help people”, “I share all...

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Over All | Service

Over All

It has been an amazing week to see how the Church is mobilizing support and care for refugees in the Ukraine. In a climate of fear, the Church is...

03/19/22 - 03/20/22

Over All | Creation and the Church

Over All

Our passage this weekend will unveil an image of Christ, as though Paul is creating a sculpture for us to see more clearly who He is. The...

03/12/22 - 03/13/22

Over All | My Purpose

Over All

“What is God’s will for me right now?” “I need spiritual wisdom and understanding.” From the largest war in Europe since World War 2, to...

03/05/22 - 03/06/22

Over All | Hopelessness

Over All

Today, as in the days of the early church, we are in an ideological war. The Person and work of Christ are under attack. Is Christ enough for...

02/26/22 - 02/27/22

The Story of God | God Restores

Story of God

On the night before my wedding, I drove from the rehearsal dinner past my fiancée’s house to my house. To my surprise I saw Jen’s wedding...

02/19/22 - 02/20/22

The Story of God | God Sends

Story of God

Now it gets personal. God sends us! Matthew 28:19, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them...” How has God uniquely...

02/12/22 - 02/13/22

The Story of God | God Appears

Story of God

Here it is! The climax of the Story of God- the arrival of the Messiah. Together we will walk through the significance of the timing and nature of...

02/05/22 - 02/06/22

The Story of God | God Promises

Story of God

After we rejected God in the garden, our union with Him was broken. Deep within we are looking for the ‘blessing’, that voice to tell...

01/29/22 - 01/30/22

The Story of God | God Rejected

Story of God

Genesis 3 is fascinating! It’s the explanation for human heartache, misery, loneliness, and frustration. There is a reason for our fascination...

01/22/22 - 01/23/22

The Story of God | God Creates

Story of God

If you only think about the story of your life, your family, and maybe your culture, then in time you will find yourself disoriented and...

01/15/22 - 01/16/22

Equip | Ephesians 4:11-13


Do you ever wonder, where is Jesus? According to Eph. 1:22b-23, “the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all...”...

01/08/22 - 01/09/22

A Year of Success

Stand Alone or Special Guests

A new year lends opportunity to fresh starts. Many of us desire success, so we start the new year with goal-setting, establish priorities and...

01/01/22 - 01/02/22

Behold The King of Glory | Christmas Weekend

Behold the King of Glory | Advent 2021

12/25/21 - 12/26/21

Behold The King of Glory | Christmas Eve

Behold the King of Glory | Advent 2021

12/23/21 - 12/24/21

Behold The King of Glory | Advent Week 4: Love

Behold the King of Glory | Advent 2021

At times I get what’s called compassion fatigue. I don’t want to give of myself and prefer to not be bothered. Sometimes I pray and tell God...

12/18/21 - 12/19/21

Behold The King of Glory | Advent Week 3: Joy

Behold the King of Glory | Advent 2021

Last week Bobby unpacked how challenging, complicated and confusing the whole virgin-birth-and still-getting-married thing was for Joseph. Life as...

12/11/21 - 12/12/21

Behold The King of Glory | Advent Week 2: Peace

Behold the King of Glory | Advent 2021

At times I can tend to imagine worst case scenarios. If I’m not careful, a situation can ‘own’ me before it has even come to pass. It robs...

12/04/21 - 12/05/21

Acts 27-28 | Advent Week 1: Hope

Behold the King of Glory | Advent 2021

Why would Paul experience such difficulty in the center of God’s will? We think, “If God loves us, then why do we experience storms, detours,...

11/27/21 - 11/28/21

Acts 27-28 | Advent Week 1: Hope

Momentum | A Study in Acts

Why would Paul experience such difficulty in the center of God’s will? We think, “If God loves us, then why do we experience storms, detours,...

11/27/21 - 11/28/21

Acts 20-26

Momentum | A Study in Acts

By this time in the story, “all the residents in Asia” (Acts 19:10) heard the gospel message. Paul is about to become a witness for Christ,...

11/20/21 - 11/21/21

Acts 16-20:16

Momentum | A Study in Acts

Have you been “shaken” in your job or in your relationships this past two years? This weekend we are going to look at the way plans,...

11/13/21 - 11/14/21